Creon (Pancreatin)

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Brand Name : Creon

Marketing Authorization Holder : AbbVie

Prescription Required


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Generic Name : enzymes

Manufactured By : Authorized Indian Generic

Prescription Required


Product Details


Creon 10 (also called Creon 10,000)


10,000 PhEur units (=10,000 USP units)


8,000 PhEur units (= 33,200 USP units)


600 PhEur units (= 37,500 USP units)


Creon 25:


25,000 PhEur units ( = 25,000 USP units)


18,000 PhEur units (= 74,700 USP units)


1,000 PhEur units (= 62,500 USP units)

Creon 40: Lipase 40,000 - Amylase 103,750 USP (25,000 EU) - Protease 100,000 USP (1600 EU)


Here are the US version of Creon:

CREON is available in US most commonly in capsule strengths of:

 ● 6,000 USP units of lipase; 19,000 USP units of protease; 30,000 USP units of amylase

 ● 12,000 USP units of lipase; 38,000 USP units of protease; 60,000 USP units of amylase

 ● 24,000 USP units of lipase; 76,000 USP units of protease; 120,000 USP units of amylase

They also have:  36,000 USP units of lipase, 114000 units of protease, 180,000 USP units of amylase


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