Januvia (Sitagliptin)

Brand Options

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Brand Name : Januvia

Marketing Authorization Holder : Merck Sharp & Dohme

Prescription Required


Generic Option

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Generic Name : Sitagliptin

Manufactured By : Authorized UK Generic

Prescription Required


Product Details


Prescription Januvia is used by adults for the treatment of type 2 diabetes along with a good exercise program and healthy diet.  Januvia lowers blood sugar and brings down you A1C levels. Januvia is often taken by people already taking metformin as Januvia works well with metformin to lower A1C levels further.

Januvia is not used to treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. If you have ever had inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), you may not be eligible to take Januvia.

Januvia works by lowering your blood sugar when the levels are too high and when blood sugar is already low, Januvia has less effect.  This way Januvia moderates blood sugar levels.

Januvia is taken once daily, at the same time each day, without regards to food (with or without food).  Take Januvia exactly as directed by your doctor. If you miss a dose of Januvia, take once you remember unless it is already time for your next dose. Never take 2 doses of Januvia at once.

While taking Januvia, your physician may conduct tests to see how your kidneys are functioning. Your dose of Januvia may change as a result of the tests. You may be prescribed Januvia along with other diabetes medications and if so, you need to be monitoring your sugar in case it goes too low.

In 2019, when comparing Januvia cost to USA Januvia coupon price, InsulinHub was found to offer a discount of approximately 55% in Januvia savings.

Buy Januvia from InsulinHub.com for the best Januvia cost.

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