Xifaxan (Rifaximin)

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Brand Name : Xifaxan

Marketing Authorization Holder : Norgine Pharma

Prescription Required


Generic Option

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Generic Name : Rifaximin

Manufactured By : Authorized Indian Generic

Prescription Required


Product Details


Save over 95% with generic Xifaxan.

Xifaxan (rifaximin) is called Targaxan in Europe. Although the medicine is exactly the same, the license holder Norgine Pharm has branded the product as Targaxan in the United Kingdom.

Prescription Xifaxan is an antibiotic used to treat inflammatory bowel disease with diarrhea. Xifaxan is the only approved treatment that works to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the gut that may be causing the condition.

After 2 weeks of Xifaxan treatment 52% of patients had abdominal pain relief, 76% had relief from diarrhea, and 47% saw relief from both abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Unlike other treatments, Xifaxan is only used as a short course therapy. It is usually given as a 2 week treatment and works for up to 6 months to provide symptom relief. Some patients will be required to undergo treatment more than once, however patients report recurring symptoms are less than before they had started with Xifaxan.

Although your dose and length of treatment may vary, the most common Xifaxan dose is 550mg Xifaxan 3 times per day taken with or without food. 

If you continue to have diarrhea after taking Xifaxan, contact your doctor.

Buy Xifaxan from InsulinHub.com for the best Xifaxan cost.

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