Motegrity (Prucalopride)

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Brand Name : Motegrity

Marketing Authorization Holder : Shire Pharmaceuticals

Prescription Required


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Generic Name : Prucalopride

Manufactured By : Authorized Indian or UK Generic

Prescription Required


Product Details


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Motegrity is called Resolor in UK. Although the medicine is exactly the same, the license holder of this medicine is Shire Pharmaceuticals and they have branded the product as Resolor in the United Kingdom.

Prescription Motegrity contains prucalopride which the first of its kind of medicine for the treatment of Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (constipation without a known cause). Motegrity is taken once daily as 1mg or 2mg tablets for adults. The treatment result is known as enhanced colonic peristalsis and the medicine is called a selective serotonin type 4 receptor agonist.

Motegrity works in the colon by binding to a certain receptor facilitating release of acetylcholine. The effect is increased motility of the bowel. Healthy patients have reached peak levels of the medicine in their system within 2 or 3 hours.  

Motegrity is taken with or without food usually 2mg per day. Patients with renal impairment may be given 1mg Motegrity daily. Motegrity is only used by adults and should not be used if you have a blockage in the intestines, Chrohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, severe constipation, toxic megacolon or a hole or tear in your intestines.

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