Aubagio (Teriflunomide)

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Brand Name : Aubagio

Marketing Authorization Holder : Sanofi Genzyme

Prescription Required


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Generic Name : Teriflunomide

Manufactured By : Authorized Indian Generic

Prescription Required


Product Details


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According to the European Medicines Agency, brand name Aubagio originating from Europe is manufactured at the following site(s):

Sanofi Winthrop Industrie
30-36, avenue Gustave Eiffel
37100 Tours

Opella Healthcare International SAS
56, Route de Choisy

Prescription Aubagio contains the active ingredient teriflunomide which is used by adults in the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis, including relapsing/remitting syndrome, clinically isolated syndrome, and active secondary progressive disease.

Multiple sclerosis causes the destruction of the protective sheath around nerves by inflammation. Aubagio blocks an enzyme necessary for cells to multiply, thereby reducing the number of lymphocytes involved in the inflammation process.

Aubagio reduces relapses, slows disability progression and decreases new lesions in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

The standard dose of Aubagio is taken as 14mg once per day at the same time each day. Aubagio is taken with or without food, swallowed whole with water. 

The most common side effects of Aubagio include headache, diarrhea, increase in certain liver enzymes, and hair thinning. Hair thinning often is not permanent.

Do not stop taking Aubagio even if you feel well. If you miss a dose, take as soon as you remember but do not take 2 doses at the same time.

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