Gilenya (Fingolimod)

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Brand Name : Gilenya

Marketing Authorization Holder : Novartis

Prescription Required


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Generic Name : Fingolimod

Manufactured By : Authorized Indian Generic

Prescription Required


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For brand Gilenya, Non-english packaging is often present for European medicines- English label and English insert included. Plan in advance - allow us 7 days to ship this brand name medicine.

According to the European Medicines Agency, brand name Gilenya originating from Europe is manufactured at the following site(s):
Novartis Pharma GmbH
Roonstrasse 25
90429 Nuremberg
Novartis Pharmaceutical Manufacturing LLC
Verovskova Ulica 57
Ljubljana, 1000
Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d.
Verovskova Ulica 57
Ljubljana, 1526

Prescription Gilenya contains the active ingredient fingolimod, used in the treatment of patients with relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis 10 years old or older. Patients who have rapid evolving severe multiple sclerosis or fail to respond from other therapies are prescribed Gilenya.

Gilenya is not a cure for multiple sclerosis but is used to reduce the frequency of relapse and slow down progression of disabilities due to multiple sclerosis. In studies, Gilenya was shown to cut relapses in half, slow down associated physical problems and cut down on lesions as seen on MRI.

In patients with multiple sclerosis, the body's own immune system attacks to coating sheath around brain and spinal cord nerves. Gilenya works by preventing certain white blood cells from from reaching the brain and spinal cord, thus limiting damage caused by multiple sclerosis.

The standard adult Gilenya dose is 0.5mg taken once daily with or without food. The children's dose is body weight dependent. Take Gilenya exactly as prescribed and do not miss a dose. If you do miss a dose, take as soon as possible unless it is almost time for your next dose of Gilenya. Do not take 2 doses of Gilenya at the same time.

When Gilenya is just started, it can slow the heart rate. Your physician will monitor your heart rate and blood pressure before and after beginning Gilenya treatment.

Buy Gilenya from for the best Gilenya cost.

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