Rifater (Rifampicin / Isoniazid / Pyrazinamide)

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Brand Name : Rifater

Marketing Authorization Holder : SANOFI

Prescription Required

No Generic Medicine available for this medicine.

Product Details


Prescription Rifater is a combination of 3 medicines: isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide. Theses drugs work together to kill the tuberculosis bacteria in the lungs. Only adults should take Rifater.

Rifater is taken on an empty stomach, usually once daily (usually between 3 and 6 tablets) as per the physicians prescription. Swallow Rifater whole with an 8 oz glass of water. Avoid antacids for 1 hour before taking Rifater.

Because Rifater is treating an infection, it must be taken for the entire length of time prescribed by the doctor, even if you feel well. Ask your physician if you should also supplement your diet with vitamin B6 during treatment.

While taking Rifater, avoid foods high in histamine and tyramine including mature cheese, beer, wine, cured meat and some types of fish.

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