Xenazine (Tetrabenazine)

Brand Options

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Brand Name : Xenazine

Marketing Authorization Holder : Alliance Pharma

Prescription Required


Generic Option

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Generic Name : Tetrabenazine

Manufactured By : Authorized Indian Generic

Prescription Required


Product Details


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In the United Kingdom, Xenazine (tetrabenazine) brand was recently discontinued and now the generic Xenazine is available as scored 25mg tablets.  Although 12.5mg is not available in the United Kingdom, the 25mg is easily split as it is scored to deliver 12.5mg when that dose is required. 

Prescription Xenazine and its generic equivalent are used in adults to treat conditions prescribed by your physician. Xenazine is primarily taken in the treatment of Huntington's disease (uncontrolled movements of muscles). Xenazine is not a cure and is not useful in other symptoms of Huntington's disease such as difficulties thinking or problems with emotion.

Adults taking generic Xenazine for Huntington's chorea are each dosed differently depending on the individual results and requirements of each patient. The standard Xenazine dose when beginning treatment is 12.5mg (half tablet of 25mg) from 1 to 3 times daily. This Xenazine dose can be increased every 3 or 4 days until the optimal effect occurs or until side effects such as sedation, Parkinsonism or depression occur. The maximum dose of generic Xenazine is 200mg each day.  If Xenazine is not effective after 1 week of the maximum dose, it may be better to withdraw the drug.

Buy generic Xenazine from InsulinHub.com for the best generic Xenazine cost.

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