Carbaglu (Carglumic acid)

Brand Options

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Brand Name : Carbaglu

Marketing Authorization Holder : Recordati Pharmaceuticals

Prescription Required


Generic Option

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Generic Name : Carglumic acid

Manufactured By : Authorized UK Generic

Prescription Required


Product Details


In the United Kingdom generic Carbaglu is available alongside the brand name product.

Prescription Carbaglu contains carglumic acid for the treatment of high blood levels of ammonia associated with certain metabolic disorders. If not treated, high blood ammonia can cause brain damage or death. Carbaglu activates an enzyme in the body to break down ammonia.

When Carbaglu is used to treat NAGS deficiency, Carbaglu can be started at the beginning of life and the medicine is used for the whole life of the patient. In other conditions, Carbaglu is used for the duration of the hyperammonaemia crisis.

Carbaglu is a dispersible tablet so that you can dose the medicine based on body weight and mix in water. Each Carbaglu tablet can easily be broken in half. The standard starting dose is 100mg/kg body weight and can be increased to 250mg/kg. The dose of Carbaglu is adjusted to your blood ammonia levels.

Take Carbaglu exactly as prescribed and do not stop taking it without consulting your physician.

In 2019, when comparing generic Carbaglu to USA Carbaglu coupon price, InsulinHub was found to offer a discount of approximately 40% in generic Carbaglu savings. 

Buy Carbaglu from for the best Carbaglu cost.

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