Procysbi (Cysteamine or Mercaptamine)

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Brand Name : Procysbi

Marketing Authorization Holder : Chiesi

Prescription Required

Temp Controlled Express Courier

No Generic Medicine available for this medicine.

Product Details


The active ingredient of Procysbi is listed as cysteamine in the United States but mercaptamine in the United Kingdom. Mercaptamine is the International Non-proprietary Name of the product while cysteamine is the name used in the United States. The same chemical has 2 names as cysteamine and mercaptamine.

Prescription Procysbi contains the active ingredient cysteamine (also known as mercaptamine) used by adults and children in the treatment of nephropathic cystinosis. In this disease, the amino acid cystine accumulates in the body causing kidney damage along with damage to other organs. Procysbi lowers the levels of cystine within cells. Procysbi treatment must be initiated immediately once diagnosed with nephropathic cystinosis to get the most benefit from the medicine.

Avoid taking Procysbi with high fat or high protein food as well as anything that will reduce the acidity of the stomach (like milk or yoghurt). Rather take Procysbi with an acidic drink like orange or apple juice or even water. Take Procysbi exactly as prescribed at a dose usually based on age and weight.

Procysbi is taken every 12 hours (twice per day) in a consistent way with every dose. The duration of Procysbi treatment is usually life-long as directed by your physician. Your physician will order regular blood tests to measure the amount of cystine inside your blood or white blood cells.

If you miss a dose of Procysbi, take as soon as you remember. If it is within 4 hours to your next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the regular scheduled time. Do not take double the dose of Procysbi at any time.

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This product requires special packaging to maintain its integrity during the shipping process. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICATION if the attached temperature indicator shows that the medication was exposed to temperatures below 2 degrees or above 8 degrees Celsius, and contact the pharmacy immediately.

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