Xarelto (Rivaroxaban)

Brand Options

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Brand Name : Xareltro

Marketing Authorization Holder : Bayer

Prescription Required


Generic Option

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Generic Name : Rivaroxaban

Manufactured By : Authorized Indian Generic

Prescription Required


Product Details


Save 80% on brand name Xarlto from Europe and over 90% with the generic.

Prescription Xareltro contains rivaroxaban used to reduce the risk of blood clots in a variety of conditions such as atrial fibrillation, pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis. Xareltro is also used to treat conditions such as coronary heart disease and peripheral artery disease. Xareltro has been used worldwide by more than 40 million people.

Xarelto is a factor Xa inhibitor, which prevents the enzyme involved in producing thrombin. The reduction in thrombin causes a reduction in the risk of blood clots forming in veins and arteries and also helps with existing blood clots.

Depending on the condition being treated, Xarelto is used in a variety of strengths once or twice daily. Low doses of Xarelto may be taken without food but higher doses should be taken with food.

Always take Xarelto exactly as prescribed and avoid missing doses even if you feel well. Do not stop taking Xarelto unless advised by your doctor.

Buy Xareltro from InsulinHub.com for the best Xareltro cost.

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